⃪ About These Notes

How to Work With Your New High Performance Software Team

If you are reading this you have been assigned to a new role on a project that is using FORGE and we, the team at SOFware LLC, are excited to work with you!

If you have never worked with a COTS software team before this guide was written to quickly get you up to speed on how to get the most out of our working relationship. If you have worked with a different COTS software team we still recommend reading this guide as we find that our processes are often surprisingly different than other teams.

What makes software projects so hard?

The default result of a software project is failure.

(Reference https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/project-failure-rates-facts-reasons-frank-faeth/)

Software is never finished. There are always more things to work on then you have money for. It can always be better. You have to manage stakeholders. You have to know when to say no.